Transformers2005 MUSH Wiki


  • The Quintesson leader Astracius is lured into a trap, and combined- faction forces attack his cityformer Trokius in an unsuccessful attempt to destroy it, damaging the cityformer severely but not enough to prevent it from escaping.
  • Galvatron orders the creation of self-replicating nanites to cyberform Africa and immediately loses control of them. They cyberform the entire continent until Arachnae devises a toxin to deactivate them and reverse their effects.
  • The Decepticons take control of Mars, and using huge rocket engines, move it close to Earth to harvest the energy produced by the devastating gravitational effects. The Autobots/EDC go to Mars and drive the Decepticons away and reverse Mars' course, returning the planet to its normal orbit.
  • Quintesson forces assault Earth to field-test their Neo-Sharkticons: stronger, more intelligent, but fanatic Sharkticons which turn on their Quintesson scientist masters. After successful raids on Terran ports by these Neo-Sharkticons, Galvatron beheads their leader, and most of the rest are hunted down and destroyed.

All items (39)
