Transformers2005 MUSH Wiki
Tyrest-ed Developments

TP Characters: Backfire, Farsight, Flatline, Adjudicus, Specter
IC Year: 2035
Location: Mostly Tyrest, the focalpoint of the TP. Also included in the drumroll are Earth, Pz-Zazz
Run By: Backfire


What does a fool's lasercore meltdown have to do with a neutral scientist? What does a spooky Sci-Chancellor have to do with any of it, and what does this mean for the highly scientifically advanced city-state Tyrest? When two ninjas stumble on the trail of a killer, what will happen??



  • The TP backdrop serves as Tyrest's IC development and introduction of city elements to players.
  • Probably the seventh time 'Backfire will die' has been used as a plot.
  • Backfire's player is not ashamed of this.
  • Farsight is an actual toy.. far out!!


No logs have been posted.
