Transformers2005 MUSH Wiki

So, it's been kind of a wild ride on the emotional end of things lately, but I think that comes from being able to empathize very closely. It ends up becoming a subset of my own process, until I'm unable to distinguish what's theirs and what's mine. Clearly, there are benefits as well as drawbacks. Even so, it becomes my own burden to bear, in time.

Despite my misgivings about Sunstreaker, I'm completely appalled by the red tape he's managed to fall through, and what condition this sorry state of affairs has left him in. Someone needs to account for this. It's no one person's blame, however, so I fully intend to bring it up at the next Decagon meeting. I'm going to reserve a place on the agenda specifically for this issue, because I feel like it's that important.

I attended some strange social function in Chicago on Earth, called a 'Ren Faire'. Grapple tried explaining this to me, but I feel like something got lost in translation. They had all manner of weird events and entertainment going on, but it became too much for me when the Autobots in attendance were given their own area and called...steam golems. Yes, whatever that is. I felt like I was on display in an intergalactic circus or zoo. The jousting competition was kind of interesting, though. And then before I left, I went to see a fortune teller. All she would tell me is that my love life was like 'a labradoodle and a greyhound'.

I don't get it.

Time to continue working on my presentation for the meeting.
